Consumers to retailers: You should really send us more SMS messages.

Nearly half of consumers say they’re opening to more SMS correspondence with brands, according to a new survey. If your business is seeking ways to connect with text messages, Txtwire can help you get started.

Use these hacks to ensure you aren’t constantly attached to your phone.

Smartphones are amazing devices, and text-messaging wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them. But many of us have been guilty of spending too much time with these devices at the expense of people around us. Here are some simple hacks to ensure you maintain balance in the real and virtual worlds.

Five tech tools that can complement a successful SMS marketing strategy.

You’ve already come to appreciate the value of a quality SMS marketing strategy. Now, you can use these five tools, including smartwatches, to manage text messages, streamline related marketing activities and more.

In the future, there will be more marketing channels. Make sure SMS remains one of them.

We’ll have access to more marketing channels in the future. They’ll tap into new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. But using proven tools such as SMS at the same time will go a long way toward building and retaining your customer base even as you try out these new opportunities.

Experimental SMS alerts tell parents when students miss assignments.

If you have children in school, you’ll want to read this new study. Researchers set up a system that alerts parents when students miss assignments or skip class, and it cut course failures nearly 40 percent.

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How schools can make the grade with SMS marketing

Educators are busy year-round. But the spring season can be a particularly packed time of the year with spring athletics, graduation and preparations for summer and the school year ahead. That’s why there’s never been a better time to equip students, parents and school employees with the best information delivered through text messages. SMS marketing is an excellent fit for educators and school audiences because it places important and timely messages directly onto their smartphones and...
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