Three podcasts text-message marketers should follow
With so many podcasts available for download, how do you know which are relevant to your profession as a text-message marketer? Chances are good you don’t do texting full-time, of course—it’s probably a percentage of your job, which involves communicating with the public or a targeted audience like parents, shoppers or business professionals.
That’s why your time is so valuable. You can’t spend all day thinking about best practices in the world of text-messaging, but you can take 2...
Why you should integrate SMS marketing into your digital strategy
Bec Bridges
Marketing Director at Ampervize
Bec Bridges is the marketing director for Ampervize, a marketing advice tool that provides recommendations on digital marketing strategies and services. Bec likes to stay up to speed with emerging marketing trends, and loves finding new and rewarding ways to communicate with people through digital channels.
Why does digital marketing matter?
Each year people consume less traditional media and spend more time on digital devices, leading to...